Monday, December 29, 2008

It's almost a new year already???

I am in disbelief that Christmas is past, the New Year is quickly approaching. This year has been like a wonderful gift. Truly, there have been so many gifts and lessons, we are all well adjusted and enjoying ourselves amongst the chaos. We are now raising children, enjoying unit traditions that give them memories to last their lifetime, actually all of our lifetimes.
Just a calendar glimpse of our blessings and lessons:
Starting off the 2008 year, January, in adopting Slater from a rescue, turned out to be the best decision ever. Slater is a perfect addition to our family. He is everything a family would ever want. He's full of love and calmly gives us all the love he has.
In February Jon was #1 sales rep and won the company trip to Bermuda for the 2nd year in a row. March; Lulu turned 4! Wow that was crazy. She's absolutely a really awesome child, I'm loving age 4!
March 29th I ran my first 5k, in Gastonia, and that was the very beginning of my running adventure. April; I spent the first week, our Spring Break, in bed the entire week with the flu. Then a few weeks later I turned 36. On to May! Hayden completed the toddler program with an amazing teacher, Ms. Wendy at the UMCApex. What a lovely experience for both of us. Jack Henry and I completed our year of Homeschooling. We both agreed that homeschooling was the best ever! He is a very bright boy and it made me feel like he was more prepared for kindergarten than i had originally thought.
June, Jon and I went on the cruise to Bermuda! What a fantastic trip. I cannot even wait to go back to those beaches and small gorgeous towns again. I just took as many pictures that I could, but still just not enough time on the island. The people there were so sweet and kind. Nobody pushed their "sales" $$ on us, like plenty of other places we have visited in the past. The children stayed with Auntie Nif, Uncle Joe, AJ, Chloe and Troy, and had a grand ol' time. Not sure I could speak for Nif, but she's AMAZING!
July was Hayden's 3rd birthday spent with plenty of friends from the neighborhood and from our "crowd" of close friends whom we share each birthday with. July was also spent at the pool almost every day. Jack Henry was on the swim team this year and we had a long summer, so the pool was where you could find us, each day, every day, all day.... We went through tubes of sunscreen.
Late August, Jon got a job offer. It came out of nowhere. He asked around before making a switch. Still ranked #1 in his current position, it wasn't a leap to make lightly, this was a leap off a cliff and the only thing to do is fly! So...after confirmation, he switched companies. He started over, in a field he is very familiar with. It was amazing to see this all transform. He works so hard and commits himself in each relationship. This is one of those very proud moments. I am so very proud of him making a decision that in the long run will benefit his family.
We call it Godly, that this position, in this company, in this territory came about and his name was the one called to take it. Truly, it's a blessing. I pray it continues to be a just that and that Jon continues to prove himself in the company as he has in the past.
September Jack Henry turned 6! Oh I could not believe we hit the 6 year mark! I remember wearing him around in a Bjorn. I remember the late nights, the continued smile since he was just 2 weeks old. It's so hard to believe that 6years have flown. I now have a son who is full of sensitivity and positiveness. He is the leader of his siblings, trail blazing, only taking direction and cue from me and Jon as we see the other follow his lead. It's truly astonishing how the birth order works, especially in sibling-peers.
October, Jon turned 36, finally caught up! xoxo We rarely saw Jon during October, the calendar was booked, it was fun and work was a focus for us both. It was a crazy month! Ran my first 10 miler, did okay, on the American Tobacco Trail.
November, aah, November, I competed in my first half Marathon in OBX. It was the most perfect weekend with four families sharing a beach house. We all thoroughly enjoyed each other's company. My favorite part was running with, alongside my very close friends. Not sure how to express that feeling of completely 13.1 miles and running across the finish with your "sister-friends", it was really special. Then unexpectedly Brendan and wife Jess faced an emergency, Jess went into precclampsia and had to deliver Olivia way early. So little bitty Olivia Marie born Nov. 20th at 32 weeks at 2 lbs 11 oz. TOO cute! Although home, she's being quarantined until the winter bugs and anything airborne can not get her. We are staying far away until then, three kids someone might be carrying something. We cannot wait to meet her!!!
Thanksgiving was also just about perfect. We were invited to the Asta's house and boy did we have fun! It was relaxing and special and each one of us enjoyed eating the great turkey dinner.
December was all about getting ready for Christmas, the lights, the decorations, the annual children's cookie party, then Christmas itself. We kept it simple and reflected on this year. We counted each of our blessings by the light of the tree. We toasted with our neighbors on Christmas day at brunch. This year we couldn't ask for anything more. Even through the economic crash, the "making ends meet", the foreclosure rise, the turmoil, we have seen this first hand, and know that as Americans we must get redirected and re prioritize family values, what really matters should be our relationships not our "stuff".
There is FAITH above all else. Above anything is faith, family, friends, and love. Let's make 2009 one that helps others continually. HELPING is our 2009 mantra. For those who want it, we are there. For those who don't know they need help, we'll still be right there.
Happy and Healthy New Year!

Thursday, October 9, 2008


We'll I really have to preface that in no way am I suggesting that life is so difficult that it's unbearable and it's too much to go on. No, this is just a vent blog. One that gives a glimpse into what the daily grind is like. Whether it be normal or abnormal for fellow families who have three children very close in age, or maybe there are families who have 3x this many. All I'm sayin' is life at times throws some curve balls.
Today, we all woke up late. It's Thursday, Jon's been gone since Sunday, nerves are frayed. I forgot my cell phone but was running late. Work was fine, but at 10:00 I looked out my window to my van and saw a severely flat tire. Like pancake flat. I had never had a flat. I have no cell phone and my work phone can't call Jon's # so I borrow my boss' and I'm not sure what to do. Jon talks me down off the ledge. It's better hearing Jon's voice. I call a tow company who $60 later changes my flat into the spare and that's what I'll drive on until Jon gets back.
I have a two hour play date with a neighbor girl I watch once a month Hayden "waters" the lawn in front of all of our neighbors just 'cause he had to "go"...then later Hayden wets his pants and runs around naked until I told him no dinner until he wore underwear to the table.
Just life...
So, like...when I started back to work for the first time in over six years, at the same time Jon got a NEW job opportunity and my Brother two weeks later was getting married and we were hosting 30+ friends and family for a welcome dinner. I was in no position for a housekeeper and really, it wasn't "so" bad...that quickly changed while I got word that Jon will be traveling more now than ever and I will have this on my plate. My plate just wasn't big enough. I stared at my plate. I even tried to make lists to see about "serving different courses" so that my plate could hold it all. It was all one blessing after another, but so much all at once.
I prayed and thanked Jesus that I was training for a half marathon, so that I could run to "burn off" what the plate's worth could burden me with. But now, looking back to September and seeing all the infrequent times we saw Jon, I see that God carried us through that month. I praise Him for giving me GRACES! My challenges are still far ahead, but I am better off now knowing that I have choices, I can lose control and start slinging plates, or I can quietly seek refuge in the word and gain a better peace and learn the lesson.
So, I now hired a sitter, was able to make great decisions with the kids and keep it real and light and know that Jon is coming back on Friday. It's called "breathing lessons", one breath after another.
There is also a book I read long ago with that very title and it's the truth. We just need to get quiet.
This time in America couldn't be any more scary for everyone. We are all in turmoil and chaos and truly, looking toward the future can seem bleak. However, having FAITH, HOPE, and most importantly GOD in our lives we can be settled in knowing that trusting God, not politicians, wall street or the hairdresser, not the newspapers, nor the media, just praying and trusting that GOD makes it all right. This might mean we live outside our comfort zone, but one that wasn't real to begin with. This might mean that we skimp back to lesser items for Christmas, but we get a better understanding of what CHRISTmas really is. To be together as a family unit and love one another without hassles, without burden. Maybe make loaves of some fresh home made bread and take that to a homeless shelter because there will be many more there this year, sadly so sadly to say.
It's not how people treat you along the way, it's how you treat others and how you expect others will treat those you love the most. Like a pass it forward. This is trying times for so many people, everyone is entitled to have bad days, really ugly days, take grace when you're not faced with a smile. It will pass and it could be you that maybe didn't smile five minutes before that...
So, let's pick ourselves up, brush ourselves off and turn toward the man upstairs, praising His name for all that we DO have!

Monday, August 25, 2008

The First Day of Kindergarten! and preschool and part time work and ...

It was the first day of kindergarten for Jack Henry. I had no doubt at all about the decision that Jon and I made on keeping him home last year. Today proved that intuition is stronger then the statistical studies.
He was elated to be a Kindergartener! Also known as "leaders" in the morning program, since he helps teach the "littles". But it's after the morning program that he really gets the independent studies!
Jon picked him up from school today, as we'll begin carpool tomorrow with Adelia. When Jack Henry walked through the door today, he had the biggest smile across his face. "Mom, I loved it."
Aaaaaawwwww.....I couldn't be happier. There were no tears today! Just miles of smiles!
Here's a picture of our big boy.
The three of us get to go to school every morning together! We'll pick up Adelia (our neighbor) who is also in the "extended day program" with Jack Henry. I'll be the administrative assistant for the director. Hayden is in his "own" classroom with Ms. Susan, and Elizabeth will be with the same teacher as last year, and Jack Henry is there with her in the mornings. It's great to back to work part time!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

the Jock!

It is confirmed, without any doubt. Our son will be a jock.
We feel strongly that no child should ever be "labeled". BUT...
Hayden is in his PJ's last night and came to our room for one final kiss. Jon is standing in the door-way and there is a little squishy ball that didn't quite make it into the playroom by our door-frame. Hayden picks it up while saying goodnight and looks right at Jon and says "Catch Dad" and tosses a perfect throw into Jon's arms. "G'night"....and heads back to bed. (yes he just turned three in July).

This morning, we're in his closet picking out clothes to wear for today and I chose one shirt, he says no, digs deep back in the drawer and pulls out a red golf shirt.
I say OK and grab a pair of shorts to match. He says "I see the numbers. Where'd the numbers go?" I'm not really following since he pulled out a "plain red golf shirt". He shakes the shirt, like the numbers are going to fall out. But sure enough! Inside the back collar, where there should be a tag but it's now "tagless" are the numbers 89. Yes folks, the shirt does have numbers, just not on the back like he would like with his name in capitals across shoulder to shoulder!
He's a jock!

I cannot wait to watch him with sports and see what he chooses as his #1.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Happy Birthday AJ!

Today is our nephew and kids' cousin's 10th BIRTHDAY!
AJ, you're getting to be such a big kid now. We're so proud of you!
You rock Dude~
love you,
Your NC Family!

Where on Earth Have I been?

It has been a wild year! Oh my goodness. I thought I would write back in March or April calling it March Madness. I even took a picture of my calendar. I couldn't believe that there was such little white left on it! Pretty much it was no different in May or June. It really slowed down a lot this summer. I let the kids just play, all day everyday, play. We start back to school on this Monday Aug. 25th. I even start as the admin. for the director, part time from 8:30-12:30. I am really looking forward to hearing my actual name "Heidi". With there being three of them calling out "Mommy" every five minutes since they've each learned to speak, I'm ready for a little relief. LOL!!!!!!!
This summer, we did little. Jack Henry was "MOST IMPROVED SWIMMER" for the 6 and Unders! this could not make me and Jon any prouder. He literally swam his pants all paid off. I have a swimmer now! Two more to go...
Jack Henry had a tennis clinic two mornings a week for six weeks (and rocked!) Lulu said she wanted to sign up as well. Guess what? Yep, she didn't want to and wouldn't no matter what! So...
Lulu took dance with Ms. Mary at the community center. She'll be dancing next Friday at the "Concert at the Depot". Downtown Apex has this little thing each Friday something new. I'm really excited for her to do that.
Hayden has learned the art of communicating. It is getting better. He's all boy, but his wrestling is like no other. He comes on like he's going to hurt you, but it's nothing but fun to tumble with him on the carpet. He's entertaining most of the time. Demanding? Oh yes, very, but really he's ONLY three!
So, here's the start of a new school year!
I'll try and update this really soon. ha ha! There has been so much in the past few weeks, all good and God directed. We've just been busy staying busy.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Lulu the Little Dancer

It is with great pleasure that I see some of the potential in Elizabeth that I had when I was a child. She is becoming so much like me, in that we both have active imaginations, we play hard inside or outside, we're not afraid of getting dirty but we really, really love to dress up, have playtime with make up, and get really girly! I love that about Lulu! She will come home from school, go up to her room and change her clothes. Mostly she changes into her "work out" gear. The top, the pants and of course the sneakers. Then she heads outside and runs around the back yard, effortlessly, as if a warm up to the marathon she will one day run I'm sure.
She has been in gymnastics and was very good at it. Jack Henry was in her class and they tumbled and did flips and just had a great time. But I knew Elizabeth wanted more theatrics. So we stopped gym and signed her up at the Community Center for dance. Wow! She got it quickly! She listens to the instructor and hangs onto her every word. She watches intently to the position of her feet and how to hold her hands properly. She has bloomed into a dancer. This same ballet/tap combo offers Lulu the balance of discipline in control with ballet and the rhythm she enjoys in the jazzy taps tunes.
It's so much fun to see the smiles beaming across the room from her proud face! She is my tiny dancer. I am so proud for her. We all are. Jon had been able to take her to one of her classes, just so she could preform for him.
There is no greater joy then to see it in the eyes of your child. She has had a recital and performed beautifully. I only hope she continues to love dance and will study this if she wishes throughout her childhood.